Friday, November 7, 2014

Meta Description
Meta Description is an HTML attributes which is a short brief of your content on web page. 

 Meta description is commonly used by search engines with search item and prewiew on search result page. Search engines take 150-160 characters with search items on a search result page from meta description. 

HTML Code Attributes for Meta Description:

<head> <meta name="description" content="This is a meta description, a short brief of searched content. It display on search result page below the title."> </head>

Meta description tags are not so important on search engine rankings but it is very important for search engine result pages. A meta tag description work as a keywords of a content. So when you put a meta tag description of a content, ensure you have put most important keywords on it with a description.

Do not use your content keywords as meta description, rather put an good and unique description of your content realted with your content and title, not longer than 160 carecters. Search engines bring up a content where search keyword found on meta description and mark it with a bold font style.
On social Sharing like on Google+, Facebook, Twitter, Digg, Linkedin Meta description is important things of a content. At the time of social sharing, they pull a description from your content, that comes meta description tag.

Meta Description

On a shared link, meta description display with the title. On SEO meta description is very important for your content. Meta description you should put on head section of your web page. On CMS system, you can find a box when you submit your article asking you to give a meta description.


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