Friday, February 20, 2015

(Facebook tips ) Continue reading or See more link on facbook post

(Facebook tips ) Continue reading or See more link on facbook post. today i want to write about facebook marketing tips, to get more like or response of your facebook business or product page. some time need some tips to get more like. so there have more way how to insert a hyperlink in post of your facebok page 
now follow some step. it's working 100% .

Step. 1 . At first you need to collect you facebook page id, don't worry i will teach you where you will get facebook page id . click here and submit your facebook page link after that you will get your facebook page id. see below picture.

 Step 2. After click on "Lookup numeric ID" you will redirect on id page now copy this id. At this time use this code "  @[PAGE ID:0] " to make post.  and this code " @@[0:[PAGE ID:1:Continue_Reading]] " Now replace this txt "PAGE ID" with your page id.

If you don't understand i will teach you clearly. now open a txt editor like "NOTEPAD" and create a post like this picture below.

(Facebook tips ) Continue reading or See more link on facbook post

Step 3. Copy all txt from notepad and  Now go to your facebook page to make post. follow this url "  if you are from desktop. don't now use http://www. just replace with m.
and past all txt which you already copy from notepad. at last click on "Post" button of facebook page to published post. you have done now see your post from desktop or mobile. see my created post screenshot blow .

(Facebook tips ) Continue reading or See more link on facbook post

If you are unable to create Continue reading link in  post comment below or contact with me on facebook

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Publish Blog Update Post on twitter, Facebook Page and Facebook Automatically
facebook is now world largest online social networking site. In this day peoples use Facebook account and page to promote business too fast. and some people wish to blogging to earn money from online by any blog. so you need to people connect with you site and twitter or facebook  page or blog so you need to send update post to visitor quickly. but how it's possible. don't worry now i will teach you how to publish blog update post on twitter or facebook page and twitter or facebook automatically. now you have to follow some step from below all step is really easy.

 1. Build your blog or website feeds.
  •     Login to Feedburner.
  •     Add your website or Bog's web address to it
  •     Identify your blog's feed and you are done.

 2. Add Blog feed to Twitter
  •     Login To Feedburner again and select your feedburner feed for your blog.
  •     Now click on Publicize Tab.
  •     Click on Socialize on Left sidebar.
  •     Socialize Settings will come up and Click on Add a Twitter account button.
  •     Twitter window will open, login to it using Twitter username and password.
  •     Follow the steps and verify your twitter account with Feedbuner.
  •     Now, when your twitter account is added to Feedburner, your blog's new updates are automatically posted on Twitter on behalf of  you.

3.  Add Blog feed for  Posting Automatically on Facebook Page.
  •     Login to Facebook.
  •     Search for "RSS Graffiti" App on Facebook and click on Go to App button.
  •     Click on Add new Publishing plan and name it.
  •     RSS Graffiti Setting will open.
  •     Now, click on Add a New Source button.
  •     Now in Feed setup, add Feed Title (your blog name) and Feedburner feed URL.
  •     Now click on save changes and turn on the publishing plan.
  •     In Target side, Choose your Facebook Page as Target and  Publish on behalf of .

4. Blog Updates on your Facebook status.
  •     Again Go to RSS Graffiti app on Facebook.
  •     Click on Add new publishing plan and name your new plan.
  •     Follow the above steps except for target side.
  •     In Target side, Choose Facebook User as Target and as Publish on Behalf of.
  •     Click on save and turn on the publishing.

Now when you made a new post on your blog it will automatically published on Facebook page and news feed and on Twitter also.

Monday, February 9, 2015

How to change facebook account username after limit 100% working-2015
How to change facebook account username after limit 100% working-2015. If you have a facebook account and you have finished your facebook account username change limit. Don't worry you are no right place now. To day i wanna teach you how to change your facebook account username after limit 100% working in 2015. Just follow some step. 

1. Now login your facebook account and click on top bar right corner down array icon there have all your facebook account setting. Cause you have to create a page to change your facebook account username. if you don't have facebook page so, now create a page.You don't know to create facebook page? so read this article How to create a facebook page. 

2. after that you need to create your facebook page username. Go to you page profile on page details option and click "about" here you can to update your page details and change or create your facebook page username. go here screenshot below. 

3. You are now 3 step of your facebook account above screenshot. Now copy of your facbook account username.cause your facebook account username will be your facebook page username. past your account username on the text filed where you create you facebook page username. and click on "Check Availability" after that facebook asking you, do you want to transfer you facebook account username to your page username. Actually here you can to transfer your facebook account user name to you facebook page username. which you created before sometime. see screenshot below.

 Option 4. here you can see your facebook account username. which you unable to change for facebook limitation. this username will be your fb page username. 5. here you can to choose you facebook page if you have more page you can to choose from drop down array. 6. here past or type your facebook account username which is your facebook username. 7. after clicking on "Check Availability" you will see this notice  about one time opportunity.  8. Now click On " Transfer username " And done. I think you have done all steps. 

Thanks for reading this article. If you don't understand this article. please comment on out comment section. or watch the video tutorial below.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Facebook tips for Create Facbook Fan Page Easy
This is a very simple work to create facebook fab page for your local business, brand or product etc. If you want to create facebook fan page you are now right place. now i will teach you how to  Create Facbook Fan Page Easy. now you have to follow some simple step. Now you need a facebook account first if you don't have facebook account you have to create first. so read this article how to create a facebook account. or hare you cant to read how to add like box on blog for

1. I think you have facebook account so login your facebook account and look top of the page right site of your facebook name there have more option you have to click last down array button then you will see drop down options. Here you have to click "Create Page" you will get next page. if you don't understand see screenshot below. or Go to

Facebook tips for Create Facbook Fan Page Easy

2. This page have 4 category of your page which you want to create. here you have to choose what's the category of your page. screenshot below for understanding.

3. After clicking any category there found two option [ I have chosen Brand Or Product Page Category]. 1. choose page category from drop-down option. 2. wright your page or product name and click On Button "Get Started". Follow screenshot below.

 4. This page have to writh about your page, add profile picture, ad to favorite.  Here write about your page and pup your website url or twitter account url or other url you can to put here click On "Save Info" Button. After that you can to skip all options.  see screenshot below. I thinks you have done.

If you don't understand this article please like my facebook page or comment below with your problem. thanks

watch this video tutorial :

Thursday, February 5, 2015

A Facebook Fan Box or Like Box is a great plugin that allows blog visitors to subscribe to your blog updates via their Facebook accounts, without leaving your blog. Once subscribing (by pressing the like button), visitors will receive your most recent blog updates on their Facebook page. This box also displays faces of the "likers" on your blog. Before creating a fan box, you should already have a Facebook fan page. If you don't have facebook page so read this article how to create a facebook fan page.

Create a Facebook Like Box 

Tutorial how to add facebook fan page like box blogger

Find out your Facebook fan page URL by visiting your Facebook fan page and copy the URL in the address bar - you can see how your URL should look like in this screenshot.

Now visit this link :

Then you will get new window there you have to configure you like box script. Now change the facebook page adress replace this url with you facebook page url like this after that configure height , width color of your like box, and click the below button "Get Code" screen short below.

Tutorial how to add facebook fan page like box blogger

After click the "Get Code" Button you will get new window. On that window have two different type script. Now copy the first script and go to you blogger HTML Editor and past this code before ending " </body>" tag and copy the 2nd script and go to you blogger option "Layout" and Click "Add Gadget" where you want to place you like box. screen short below follow those step.

Tutorial how to add facebook fan page like box on blogger
Copy 1st script go "Template >> Edit HTML" Press Ctrl+F and writh this tag </body>  press Enter of keyboard. Now Past 1st script before Ending " </body>" screen short below.

Tutorial how to add facebook fan page like box on blogger

Now copy 2nd script and go to blogger "Layout" And click "Add a Gadget" where you want to see/placed your like box. after click "add a Gadget" link then you will get a popup window and there have more gadget now fine a gadget "HTML/Javascript" after you give you gadget title and page you script below in text area. screenshort below.

Click save button and see you blog. I hope you will done everything successfully. If you have any problem please comment below on our comment section. thanks 

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