Tuesday, April 7, 2015

How to upload blogger template or theme easy tutorial

How to upload blogger template or theme easy tutorial : Hi Friends, If you have wish to create a beautiful blog you have to knowledge to modify blogger template or theme. Then you need to know html, css, java script etc. but if you know how to upload or customize a blogger template or  theme so you don't need to learn html, css, java script and others program. 

But you have wish to create your own blogger template you can to learn those program.  but don't worry if you don't know any program no problem. cause know i will teach you how to upload blogger template or theme. This tutorial never difficult to you it will be very easy tutorial. just read my full article on this topic. you have some time you can to read others article  here Tutorial how to add Facebook fan page like box on blogger. 

1. Now go to www.blogger.com and login your blogger account for blogger dashboard. there have many blog if you already created. Now choose your blog which blog you want to modify or upload template or theme. click on down array from the navigation array. See screenshot below.

When click on down array there you will get more navigation. You need click on 'template' option see below picture. 
2. Now you are on new page  on this page see the top of the right corner button below of you name ' "Backup/ Restore" click on this button. screenshot below.

3. After clicking on "Backup / Restore" Button there will be appear small java script window. on this window
you can to save/download your active template  or browse the computer folder for template which you want to upload on this blog. Browse the computer folder and choose the template and click on upload button, it may take few second to upload. after done you will get successful message.  see screenshot below. 

Note : If you don't have blogger theme or  template please search on google for free blogger template.

After reading this article if  you are not clear about uploading template so watch the video tutorial here. if you like this article share with your friend and please like my fb page here.


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